"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
  The STAR Center is a resource training center for individuals with disabilities and special needs dedicated to helping them to achieve and maximize their full potential for independent living and their goals with the use of assistive technology.
The facility offers many services, including, Music Therapy, Art Therapy, rehabilitation for individuals that have suffered from strokes, and services that help individuals with vision impairment disabilities.
The center has a mobile unit called the Access Express, a 42 foot long unit that looks like a long bus. It travels to 21 counties in West Tennessee providing assistive technology evaluations and services for people with disabilities or other special needs. This service offers computer access evaluations, training and technological assistance for vocational rehabilitation. It also provides communication devices for children and adults with speech impairment disabilities as well as many other services.
The STAR Center is located in Jackson, TN. Please check out their website and be informed so that one day you may be able to help others by providing them with this information. What are your comments? I would love you to know what you think.
If you would like to donate or help raise money for the STAR Center, please visit:
Here is a video clip from the STAR Center, check it out!